
What Can a Chiropractor Do For You?

Venn Chiropractic and Wellness Center can help treat conditions affecting your muscles and bones (musculoskeletal system). They can also provide nutritional and lifestyle guidance.


Before starting treatment, chiropractors ask for medical history and perform a physical exam. They may also use x-rays and other tests to make a diagnosis. Treatment includes spinal manipulation and other therapies.

Chiropractic is a noninvasive treatment that uses drug-free methods to relieve pain and improve spinal motion and physical function. Spinal adjustments, which are manual manipulations of the spine or joints, are the main tool chiropractors use to help their patients. They can be done using hands or instruments, and some techniques require twisting and force.

The purpose of a spinal adjustment is to restore the proper position of the vertebrae that make up the spine. Misaligned vertebrae pinch nerves that run throughout the body, causing pain in the back and extremities. Chiropractors use spinal manipulation to correct these subluxations. When a vertebrae is adjusted, it moves back into place, taking pressure off the nerves and reducing inflammation in that area. In addition, spinal adjustments may help reduce the risk of re-injury.

Your Leesburg chiropractor may use different types of adjustment procedures to fit your unique needs. Some may utilize hand-held instruments like the activator adjusting instrument, which delivers low-force impulses to the body. Other chiropractic techniques, such as Thompson Terminal Point Technique and diversified, require lying on a padded table. These methods allow the chiropractor to apply a quick thrust to the spine to move the vertebrae into place.

Most of the time, a spinal adjustment is painless. However, some patients experience a slight discomfort or the sensation that they have cracked a knuckle. This is a normal part of the procedure, and it occurs as trapped gasses are released from the joint.

Studies have shown that people who receive regular chiropractic adjustments, as opposed to those who do not, are more likely to be active and engage in other forms of exercise. This is due to the fact that spinal adjustments can improve the overall mobility and function of the musculoskeletal system, which in turn leads to greater levels of athletic performance. This is largely because the nervous system can communicate better with muscles, tissues, and other parts of the body when the spine is properly aligned. In addition, spinal adjustments may help reduce stress in the body and enhance the immune system by releasing feel-good brain chemicals like endorphins.

Exercise Guidance

When a patient visits the chiropractor, the goal is to help them improve their health by improving flexibility and strength. One of the best ways to do this is through exercise. However, a patient should be careful with their workouts and work closely with their chiropractor to ensure they’re doing the right exercises for their needs.

A Chiropractor will usually advise against doing any sort of strenuous activity immediately after an adjustment. The reason behind this is that the spine and other joints need time to adjust to new movements. Doing a strenuous exercise right after an adjustment could undo the good work that was done. Instead, a patient should wait about half an hour before starting any kind of intense exercise.

Once the patient has had some time to rest, it’s a good idea to try out their exercise routine again. However, it’s important to pay attention to their body and listen to any warning signs. For example, if a patient feels tingling sensations in their muscles or back after an adjustment, it’s a sign that they are pushing too hard or doing something that isn’t good for them at the current moment. This could lead to a serious injury, so it’s important to stay in tune with their body and work with their Chiropractor to find an appropriate balance.

It’s also a good idea to avoid explosive exercises like jumping or lifting weights with plyometric force. These types of movements are likely to cause an immediate spike in pressure on the joints and skeleton, so they’re not ideal for people with sore backs or necks. It’s best to focus on doing low-impact movements and build up slowly.

A Chiropractor will generally help their patients create a balanced and effective fitness program that can be sustained over the long-term. This can include exercises to strengthen the muscles and joints in addition to cardiovascular exercises that can help improve blood flow and oxygen delivery. This will help the muscles and joints heal more quickly, while keeping the body strong and healthy. In the long run, this can help prevent future injuries and reduce the need for costly medical bills.

Nutritional Guidance

A well-balanced diet is a fundamental component to encourage musculoskeletal health. However, eating the right foods to maintain optimal bodily functions can be difficult due to the prevalence of processed foods in today’s marketplace. Consequently, nutritional guidance is a key aspect of a chiropractic patient’s wellness care plan.

In a recent survey,2 chiropractors reported that they commonly provide nutrition counseling to their patients. The majority of respondents cited musculoskeletal conditions as their primary focus when providing nutritional guidance, including osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Nevertheless, the survey also indicates that many chiropractors treat a wide variety of conditions that are not related to musculoskeletal problems. These include coronary artery disease, diabetes, obesity, allergies, and fibromyalgia.

When coupled with regular chiropractic adjustments, nutrition can significantly enhance a patient’s overall recovery and healing. A nutritional consultation with a qualified nutritional consultant will help identify deficiencies and develop a customized meal plan that will address your specific health needs.

Chiropractors have a unique ability to understand how specific nutrients affect musculoskeletal function. They can advise on the benefits of whole foods and recommend dietary supplements that may aid in the treatment of musculoskeletal problems. Additionally, a nutritional consultation can help reduce inflammation by encouraging a reduction in the intake of highly processed foods that have been shown to cause an increase in systemic inflammatory markers.

A nutritional consultation is not about dieting; it’s about identifying your specific health goals and developing a comprehensive plan to achieve them.

Stress Management

When asked what causes stress, people tend to cite work, family and financial concerns as some of the main issues. Many of these stresses are not within a person’s control, and scientific studies have shown that long-term stress can worsen the symptoms of nearly any chronic disease. A Chiropractor can talk to a patient about how best to manage their stress and find relief through relaxation techniques.

A Chiropractor can teach a patient how to take an active role in their stress management. Keeping track of all of the things that cause stress in one’s life and how often, can help a patient better understand their own situation and take steps to change it. Practicing meditation, working out with a friend, eating well, taking time to relax and listening to relaxing music are all simple yet effective ways of relieving stress.

Some short-term stress is beneficial, such as the jolt of hormones that you get when an SUV pulls out in front of you on the highway. In that case, the stress may actually help you to slam on the brakes and avoid a potentially dangerous situation. However, constant or ongoing stress can wear a person down physically and mentally.

Those who are under constant or prolonged stress often turn to unhealthy coping methods, such as smoking, excessive drinking and a poor diet. In addition, some groups of people are more susceptible to stress than others, including minorities and those living with poverty or mental health conditions.

A Chiropractor can talk to patients about how to combat their stress through a variety of techniques, including counseling and self-care. They can also refer a patient to a specialist in the event that additional care is needed to help manage stress and anxiety. For instance, those who are concerned about their weight and dieting may benefit from weight loss counseling or a referral to a nutritionist. Similarly, those who are stressed because of their finances can seek guidance from a certified credit counselor. Another option is biofeedback, a form of psychotherapy that helps people learn to control their body’s physical responses to stress through monitoring and feedback.